What will the future be for the refrigeration and heat pump technology?
DOI: 10.18462/iir.compr.2024.0600
Sekcia: Plenary session
Stav prijatia: Príspevok prijatý
Meno | Organizácia | |
Alexander Cohr Pachai | Alexander Cohr Pachai Global Consultancy ApS |
As most people in the industry will now, a new EU F-gas regulation has been negotiated and discussed on all relevant levels, and now published. What does that mean to the markets that use these working fluids? And how does the discussion in the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) and PFAS affect the future for all fluorinated substances?
In this paper will be summarised the main changes from the 517/2014 directive to the new directive. One thing was clear already before the publication of the new directive, lower accepted GWP and a number of application restrictions. With the lower GWP of the working fluids comes also a greater focus on flammability risks. A2L, A2, A3, B2L, B2, B3 are all covered by different ventilation rate calculation compared to the traditional A1 fluids.
The new directive also aims at eliminating illegal import of refrigerants from countries outside Europe. I has been a problem for some years also because the price that you can get from the market is higher in Europe than in most emerging markets.
Some industry experts have been out saying that the amount of fluorinated gases available after 2030 will only cover the service needs. This puts the pressure on the contractors to lift the qualification level of their service technicians, enabling them to work with the new substances including the natural refrigerants NH3, CO2 and hydrocarbons.
Kľúčové slová
Standards, Regulations, Working fluids